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Monday 4 November 2013

5 Beauty Tips For Skin Care

When the winter season arrives our skin normally gets rough and starts giving a weird image to our personality but it doesn’t mean that the skin should let it be remaining in the same tone. The special care and attention for the skin can make it glowing and beautiful. Skin is one of such facial appearances that required extreme care throughout the seasons. In this article we are highlighting some of the eminent beauty tips that would eventually help the women in making5 Beauty Tips For Skin Care 001 300x300 skin care heath and beauty tips heath and beauty tips  their skinfresh and clean.
1. In the summer season the skin has to be fully moisturized with a liquid cream whereas in winter phase the skin demands for some oil that would keep the coldness away from the skin. The best and suitable skin oils are almond oil andmineral oil.
2. Secondly try to remain composed with the skin as the harshness with skin may lead to badly affect the skin tone. Try to use milk cleansers and creams for getting positive results especially in winter season.
3. In winter time spell avoid going out in excessive cold and if in case you travel outside then always favor wearing a scarf or round gloves over the hands and face because dryness has been always witnessed immensely during the winter season.
4. Fourthly try to intake least hot and warm baths during winter because the extreme hotness of water can damage the skin cells.
5. Last but not the least try to maintain a proper diet for the body because the healthy food will not only affects the body but the better outcomes will appear for the skin as well.
On the whole the above mentioned tips are massively beneficial and we are sure that these beauty tips would help every woman for getting fresh skin and maintaining skin care in winter season.

Sunday 3 November 2013

Top Five Ingredients to make a best moisturizer for skin and face

 Skin needs care and pamper,we all care but we forget to pamper it, we all need and use moisturizing products more or less. it is a part of our daily lives. Here we are discussing Top Five Ingredients to make a best moisturizer for skin and face and the use of Cosmetics for moisturizing your skin.

sunscreen spf for sun protection:

sun damage is a leading cause of dry skin, wrinkles and dark spots, sunscreen product that absorbs or reflects some of the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation on the skin exposed to sunlight and help to protect against sunburn. Most of the dermatologist recommend a sunscreen with SPF rating of 15 or higher for daily use.

alpha_hydroxy acid for Skin Protection:

AHA helps wash away dead cell from the outer layer of the skin. This essential acid helps to reduce the fine lines and slow water loss, though they may be a bit harsh on sensitive skin

tretinoin for lightening the skin:

This ingredient (tretinoin) help in lighten the skin and replace old dead skin with new skin.Tretinoin is used to reduced stretch mark, slow skin aging and wrinkles. may b too harsh for sensitive skin causing redness,scaling,itching and burning.

sodium lauryl sulfate(SLS)/sodium laureth for skin cleansing:

This ingredient is used in cleansing and hygiene product to make lather.These ingredient are to be avoided in moisturizer since they actually remove natural oil, drying your skin further

petrolatum, petroleum jelly or Vaseline for Skin Softness:

Also known as petroleum jelly, paraffin jelly, softens and soothes skin.Forms a film to prevent moisture loss (Vaseline is petrolatum).
It reduce scaling and helps retain moisturizer may be harsh for some skin type, causing skin irritation

Saturday 2 November 2013

Tips On How To Look Younger Than Your Age

Isn’t it yours biggest wish to look years younger than your real age ? Doesn’t looking young counted as beauty ?? Don’t we all girls envy Mahnoor Bolach ,a Star who does not grow old. I remember watching her on TV as a child, she seemed to be in her early twenties and even now after almost 15 to 20 years she still seems to be in her early twenties, magical isn’t it ? But trust me its no magic at all. What all you need is a little determination, motivation and consistency.trans skin care heath and beauty tips Its a general believe that to look young one needs to use expensive products, creams or get different surgeries done. And i will impeach this claim by showing the contrary. Below are some of  the Tips On How To Look Younger Than Your Age 

Tips On How To Look Younger Than Your Age

 Tips On How To Look Younger Than Your Age 400 x 300 skin care heath and beauty tips
Food :- First, and foremost you need to take care of what and when you eat. To look young you have to say bye bye to junk food and hello to chicken, vegetables, fruits and fish. As these food contains vitamins and nutrients which are essential for your skin. These vitamins play a vital role in growth of new, younger skin. You also have to be look after what you drink. You have to let go off fuzzy drinks like Pepsi and coke and shift to fresh juices. “Water hydrates your skin and does wonders” is a common dictum and one that we should defiantly follow, if we want our skin to look fresh and young.
Exercise:- Another important factor to make yourself look young, fit and smart is to do exercise on daily basis.It is common knowledge that exercise helps you tone your skin and toned skin is better than wrinkly, fat skin. Muscular and toned body help you look younger than your real age. The exercises which are usually suggest to make you look younger are swimming, aerobic walking, cycling and running.
Live in the Present:- Try to live a stress free life, i.e. let your past go because what happened in the past it will remain the same and there is nothing you can do to change it. All you can do, is get over it and move on with your life. Secondly, don’t worry about your future to much. Why get upset of something you aren’t even sure will happen.I know it is easy say difficult done case, but there is no harm in trying. As, Stress pays a vital role in you looking old or young. If you spend a stressful life you will look years older than your original age where as a stress-free life can help you look years younger
Quite Smoking:- Smoking is deleterious for health and also damages your skin. So, if you want to look young you quit smoking is a compulsion.
If you follow the tips described above you can really appear younger than your biology age. And you need not to envy anyone anymore !!